Sunday, September 29, 2013


I'm a lover of psalms. A poetry reading, melancholic, romantic, music on the mind person with a love/hate relationship with people. An impulsive dancing jumping fool.  A words and food and coffee sort of person. a dog person.

The Psalms remind me of David and his rash, imperfect humanness. And they remind me of God and his unfailing, merciful grace and love. They remind me of the singers, of the depth and height and unfathomable. They remind me of Jesus, and Paul, and how Jesus LOVED those disciples who didn't get it but, of course, got it.

I have countless favorites but this is one that I'm drawn to -

Psalm 121
I lift my eyes up to the hills.. (beyond the trees and houses and visible things)
From where does my help come? (not from down here, thats for sure!)
My help comes from the Lord,
who made heaven and earth. (truth!)

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

giving voice to my dreams

I hate dreaming
Dreaming, like hopes and expectations, is messy and dangerous.

No matter, I find myself a dreamer - so tonight I'll dump them out of my head.

Our dreams of a house in town have been dashed for a season. The stall was good, it allowed us to gain more clarity, that yes, we are to settle in this micro town, and yes, we are to stay. Waiting on the Lord is very very hard. I'm an impatient woman.

When I'm in a spot, a moody, sad stomping depressed sort of spot, psalm 27:4 comes to mind and my longing to sit at the feet of Jesus is amplified. I feel like I've lived enough lifetimes and my only place of rest is too far away.

I dream of a knight in shining armor ..

I dream of being comfortable in my own skin. 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

take 3

I've been working on this for a while but it is still barely begun.

drip, pure, drip
separating the good

I roll the ideas around in my mind and think of coffee & of himalayan water.

I ponder further and realize that every moment is filtered... and sometimes the sludge and impurity is where we find ourselves.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Take 2

There will be wars and rumors of wars
It has been said
And here we are
War again knocking on our doors
Keep your oil full and your wicks trimmed
For the day of the Lord comes,
and we
the light,
must stand ready.

But not just stand
Care, and love, the least
The greatest

Our brothers mourn, and we with them
Stay awake, the journey has begun
The world is overcome.