Women, there is a dangerous current on the wind - deadly, evil, painful and damaging. It whips in and through and around like a harmless breeze, but its hooks are barbed and the pain is only felt when it is gone...
Your only worth and only value are truly found in being home with your children
Your only worth and only value are truly found in bringing home a paycheck
Your only worth and only value are truly found in being married
Your only worth and only value are truly found in being single
Your only worth and only value is found in childbearing
Your only worth and only value is found in being childless
Your only worth and only value is found in adoption
Your only worth and only value is found in missions
Your only worth and only value is found in ministry
Your only worth and only value is found in your education
Your only worth and only value is found in looking perfect
Your only worth and only value is found in keeping a spotless house
Your only worth and only value is found in doing everything for your children
Your only worth and only value is found when your children are off to college
Your only worth and only value is found when YOUR DAUGHTERS get married, stay home and raise children of their own while YOUR SONS get married, work, and pay the bills.
I am not a paycheck mommy and You do not stay home so you can properly operate a sponge mop.
Enough of these lies. Stop spreading them, believing them, passing them along, and living them.
Rather, live in truth. There is no perfect biblical model for a family - God calls each of us into a unique relationship with him. God calls people - families and singles - into places where others think them foolish and wrong. His opportunities and His desires for you, well - they probably won't look like mine. No other person can accurately give you the truth of Gods plan for YOUR life. Please, for the sake of the Gospel, for the sake of sisterhood and womanhood and for all of our children - do not believe these lies.
Your identity is in Christ. Your value, worth, and life are found hidden in Christ. There is no church that can give you life as Christ can, no employer, no spouse, no children, no friends.
Pursue life.
Prepare for an adventure that you could never imagine.
As for me, I am grateful. I am humbled. I weep. I mourn. These lies are so dangerous and painful I wish I could mute them. I wish I could pause at your table, sit with you, and say - YOU ARE BELOVED. There is this amazing God, he loves you so. He has your life in his hands, and He knows your heart. He created you - fashioned you, and knows you intimately. Trust Him. Give him your tired, your lonely, your pain. Give him your hopes and dreams and know that he will work out a masterpiece with you.