Saturday, March 10, 2012

Kids Stuff Week 1 Challenge

Okay, so I decided to the Simple Mom challenge and clear the house of clutter. This is the end of week one, kids stuff. With my girls being teenagers, I don't handle their rooms anymore... but books and games, oh my!

Here we have before:

Books and games were generally piled into their "homes" without thought... Its amazing what I found!

Here is after:

Books have been tamed, and many were piled in the giveaway box.. 

And the games have been tidied; the top shelf is for those we use less often, and for the duplicates.. I know we don't need two games of scrabble, but I can't part with one just  yet...

The middle shelf of our cabinet is actually also storage for extra sheets and will be useful for more towels.. which we seem to run out of often having 4 teenage girls in the house right now!

There we go, week one. I had more goals but I'm not finding enough time. Its a great start!

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