Friday, June 15, 2012


R.E.S.T - I was blessed with 30 minutes yesterday in which I didn't have to do anything. There were, as you can see, many things I probably should be doing. But instead, I rested. I sat back, closed my eyes, sipped some coffee, and just breathed.

God loves us so much that he says, come to me, and I will give you rest... I will be your shepherd, I will provide you the perfect way... the door is open, if you would come...

Jesus spent so much time in prayer and seeking the will of God, and we... rush about crazy. I do wonder what we think we will be able to accomplish...

Rachel, the eldest, is preparing to travel to Haiti next weekend with myself and a team of 10 others...  She shared her favorite verse with me...  and I share it with you...
Teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name. Psalm 86:11 ESV
Copper spends all day wandering about this house while I'm at work... and he still loves this mirror. I know, absolutely random... but I think its a pretty good "snapshot" of Copper...


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