Sunday, June 3, 2012

new beginnings...

Kitchen... LOVE
Well, the move is nearing completion... We have about a truckload of odds and ends left at the old house. Surprisingly, I have yet to gather much of my kitchen wares. This, you see, is because I don't have much in the way of cabinetry yet, and I've been hesitant to haul it over.

I woke early today (5am on a Sunday) and concluded that this morning is the morning. Right after my spot of coffee, I will collect the rest of things. I will put everything somewhere, in boxes if need be, and then cook a delicious breakfast. YES!

The one thing I miss in this kitchen is my fridge. I thought I could handle the side-by-side, but frozen pizza doesn't even fit... I will someday have my fridge in this space.... it may live in storage for a month or three waiting for repair, but its exciting to know of the gifts in store!

Digi Free Room. Ahhhh....
I can't begin to describe how much of a blessing this move has been. But I'll give an example... Jake and I have managed to have some time sans screens ... He both pauses at the bar to chat while I work in the kitchen and sits with me in the (yet to be sorted) digi free room. In addition, due to the new nature of our home, we have to go on official dog walking excursions. I'm a tired woman, let me tell you! But its been delightful to have the company of Jake or one of the girls... such a change! I'm thrilled!

It's official. I can walk to town!

The other day I lost my keys to my jeep.. I have yet to find them, actually... (any spotters out there? Is my jeep still safely on Broadway?)  and so I had to walk home from town. Isn't this a lovely sight? I haven't been able to walk from home to anywhere in ages, and I felt so free, like I could just sit on this wall and smile for an hour. Actually, the rest stop there was lovely as its a vertical climb to my house, but hey, I'm no wimp. I made it in 20 minutes. Let's not break out the ruler... but it might be a whole mile!

I read this thought a week ago, and I've had it on my mind. Especially with the move.
If we aren't thankful to God for now, why would we be joyful for more?
Thoughts to ponder. Cheerio!

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